
At Haywood Academy, the Geography Department believes that all students should be enabled to become global citizens.

Geography offers the opportunity to study a range of topics that investigate the physical processes of our planet, human societies and the economic and environmental challenges within the local, national and global context. This gives students the confidence to interact with the wider world, leading to fulfilling and positive life experiences.

Geography bridges the curriculum from the physical process in Science, creativity in English to the quantitate skills of Mathematics. Students are able to use these connections to excel in the wider world.

Year 7Our Place – What do we know about our place and how will future changes affect different groups of people?  

Skills – How can we use Geographical skills to find out about places?
Amazing Places – What places would you explore?  

Weather and Climate – How does the weather affect how we live our lives?
Region of Africa – What are the geographical features of Africa?  

Settlement – How and why does population change?
Year 8Violent Planet – Why do earthquakes and volcanoes occur?  

Extreme Climates – How do Deserts and Polar regions compare?
Tourism – Where/Why do people go on holiday and what are the impacts?  

Middle East and Russia – What are the human/physical features of Russia and the Middle East?
Rivers – How do rivers shape the environment and impact people?  

Population Demographics – Where are people distributed?
Year 9The Urban World (Rio, Brazil) – What is an urban area? What is the importance of Brazil?  

Asia (China) focus – Where is it and why is it called the “World’s Workshop”?
Development – Why are some places more developed than others?  

Tropical Rainforests – What are the features, uses and sustainable futures of sustainable rainforests?
Changing UK Economy – What are the opportunities and challenges faced in the UK?  

Climate Change – How is the climate changing through time?
Year 10Tectonics/Hazards – Why do earthquakes occur and how are they managed?  

Brazil Urban Challenges – What are the challenges and opportunities faced in Brazil?
Weather hazards/Climate change – What are hurricanes?  

Resource Management – How do we assess housing inequalities in the local area?  
Coastal Landscapes – How does the coastline change and how is this managed?  

Coasts Fieldwork – Location, coastal defences and development.
Year 11Deserts and River Landscapes – Location, characteristics and development.  

Brazil (a NEE) – location, importance, context, development and aid.
Urban change in the UK and urban sustainability (Bristol) – How has the area been affected by opportunities and challenges?  

Human fieldwork and pre-release booklet – Housing in equalities in S-O-T

GCSE Geography course information