School starts for all of our students on Wednesday 7th September at 8:40am.
Students in Year 7 please make your way to the main hall where you will meet your form tutors.
Years 8-11 please go directly to your form room.
Staff will be at each entrance to let you know where your form room is this year.
**Please remember that gates close at 8:35am**
Haywood Academy,
High Lane,
© 2021 Haywood Academy
City Learning Trust is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with Registered Company Number 07746561. Registered office: Haywood Academy, High Lane, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 7AB. VAT Registration Number: 141 4134 56. If you require this information in any other format please let us know.
Part of the City Learning Trust