Price – a number of parents have raised concerns regarding the price of the devices. The reason for this is based on the whole package you will receive, not just the device. The laptop is a high performance device that will come pre-loaded with all the software the students will need for their time with us at Haywood. The price also includes any technical support provided by the IT team at the school and a full 3 year guarantee. The main advantage I believe is the instant replacement service. If the device becomes broken for whatever reason, the students can come to school and exchange for a new one the same day. There is an unlimited number of times this facility can be used and so this payment is a 3 year guarantee of a fully functional, high quality laptop device with all the software provided. There are no additional payments required throughout the contract.
Guarantee, Warranty and Insurance – as suggested above, the devices are fully guaranteed for 3 years and can be instantly replaced should there be any issues.
Software – all software is included in the price; no additional charges will be made for any required software.
Other year groups – the Chromebook scheme will be available to all students over the coming months; we are rolling the laptops out in stages to ensure we can provide them in a timely manner to all students.
Other devices – a number of parents have asked if their children can use their own devices in school. We are happy for students to bring their own devices, but we will not be able to provide the same level of software and technical support as with the Chromebooks purchased through Freedom Tech. In addition, as an essential part of keeping our students safe, when they use our network and the Internet, we will need to install safeguarding software on student’s machines to ensure that mobile devices can safely be used in the Academy. Please also be aware that the students will be responsible for their own devices and should ensure they have adequate insurance to cover their use on school. Haywood Academy my cannot be held accountable for any damage to these devices.