We offer a range of leadership opportunities to our students to enable them to develop life skills, to find their voice and use it, and to be an integral part of school improvements.
All of our students from Year 7 to Year 11 are given the opportunity to become School Council reps – representing their forms in order to bring positive change around school and to improve student experience. Our School Councillors will meet regularly and will receive a School Council badge!
In Year 7, our Community Ambassadors represent the school by spreading kindness in the local community. This can be giving gifts to our residents as well as those who look after us like the NHS, police, care homes. We say thank you to those that have helped us and try to do acts of kindness so they know they’re appreciated. We’ve visited the police, the local fire service, foodbanks, care homes, Royal Stoke University Hospital, Haywood Hospital, as well as the residents in our local area.

In Year 10, we appoint Peer Mentors. In this role, they help to settle Year 7 students into the school but also act as buddies for younger students and help to prepare them for the day. They also support with open days and open mornings along with parents’ evenings and concerts, and receive a peer mentor badge.

Year 11 students have the opportunity to become part of our “Top Team” which consists of Prefects , Senior Prefects, and Head Boy and Head Girl.
· Prefects have their own break and lunch duties, they support with all open evenings, open mornings, parents’ evenings and concerts, and also lead on fundraising throughout the year. They lead the school by the very best example and are very visible to the rest of the school due to their blue ties and prefect badges.
· Senior prefects run the school council meetings with the school council reps.
· Head Boy and Head Girl will write and perform speeches throughout the year to parents during events.