Joining Haywood Academy
Welcome to Haywood Academy’s Transition information!
Here you will find all you need to know about your child’s transition from primary school to starting here with us.
The information below is aimed at the parents of Year 6 students who will be joining us in September, but we also have a variety of transition events and information for Year 5 students – click here for more information on our Year 5 Transition journey.
From September 2025 we will be full with a waiting list for all years. A full transition programme for Year 6 students joining the Haywood community in September 2025 will commence on March 1st 2025 (National Offer Day). Details below.
If you are currently a Year 6 student, or parent or carer of a Year 6 student, and you want to be a part of the Haywood community, the following information should provide you with everything you need to know about the transition from Primary School to Haywood Academy in September 2025.
The aims of our transition programme:
- To give a welcome to Haywood Academy.
- Set the highest expectations and standards for all students.
- To support students with the challenges of starting secondary school.
- To increase understanding of our core values and principles.
Transition to secondary school is one of the biggest and most significant changes in a child’s life, which is why at Haywood Academy we place the utmost importance on getting it right to ensure all our new Year 7 students are happy, motivated, and primed to be the best that they can be.
Our approach to transition consists of a bespoke programme of events that is tailored to enable all new students to feel the welcome Haywood offers and to develop an awareness and application of key characteristics that make a model student and good learner. We look to hone core values such as being kind, aspirational and respectful. We encourage our students to be creative, be willing to take risks in their learning, have self-belief and demonstrate resilience no matter the challenge in front of them.
Our aim is to instil these skills in our students from the very beginning so that they can go on to be the best that they can be.
Timeline of Events
Before joining Haywood Academy as a Year 7 student in September 2024, the following will happen:
- Initial welcome letter and Data Collection (electronic via MS Forms)
- Transfer Forms sent to Primary Schools (with covering letter)
From the Summer term, these events will follow:
May / June 2025
Ms Hancock (SENCO), Mrs Ryder (Safeguarding Lead) and Mr Courts arrange and meet with Year 6 staff to discuss students.
Visits to primary schools to meet Year 6 with previous students.
June 2025
Information will be sent to parents/carers detailing Induction Evening and September plans.
Individual student visits (if needed can be requested).
SEND student visits.
Summer Transition Learning Project goes live.
July 2025
Induction Days!
Year 6 students spend the day at Haywood Academy, getting a taste of secondary school life and begin their induction to Haywood; our core aims are:
1. To set the highest expectations and to begin to embed the Haywood Way
2. To welcome you to Haywood Community
3. To develop rapport and start to build friendships between yourself and other new year 7 students

Activities during Transition Day will include;
- Team Bonding activities with their new peers
- Taster Lessons in subjects they will study in Year 7
- Creation of an individual student character progress profile
Induction Evening – July 2025
On our Induction Evening, there will be a welcome from Mrs Mills (Principal), as well as a presentation by Mr Courts (Performance Leader for Year 7) along with an opportunity to meet your child’s Form Tutor.
An Induction booklet giving you information about Haywood Academy and our Summer Transition Learning Project will be shared this evening.
Year 6 students and parents are invited to Haywood to meet their form tutors and gain vital information about school systems including details on Class Charts, homework, student support, the school day etc. Students and parents will meet Mr Courts who will welcome you to Haywood and present key information and answer myths and worries students (and parents!) may have about September.
Our Transition programme doesn’t end there though…
At Haywood, we place valuable emphasis on the start that our learners make to high school and realise the importance of being supported, nurtured, and challenged. Throughout Year 7, students are set a series of challenges and will take part in several events that further develop their characteristics and traits and integrate them into the Haywood community.
August 2025
During August we run our popular Summer School to give our Year 6 students another opportunity to come into the academy and engage with some brilliant activities, and to meet more staff and students alike! To register your interest in attending Summer School, please email Mr Courts at [email protected]
September 2025
All Year 7s will start their Haywood journey slightly before everyone else on their first day to ensure a positive start to the year. There will be a variety of activities throughout this time to prepare them for a successful secondary school life including:
- Values sessions, orienteering and team building competitions and baseline assessments to ensure students’ needs are catered for.
For any queries regarding transition, please email Mr Courts at [email protected]