
At Haywood Academy, the English department ultimately believes that students should emerge as confident communicators, fully prepared to enter the adult world. Our aim is for all learners to be able to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions in a clear and articulate manner. Fostering a love for studying English, creative writing and celebrating excellence are some of our core values. Students study a breadth of fiction and non-fiction texts and are required to craft their own pieces with creativity.

Year 7Short stories and elements of the Gothic Exploring genre, narrative features, character and writer’s choices; creation of own short story.  

Novel: 12 Minutes to Midnight Analysis of character, setting, the Gothic genre and Victorian context.
An Introduction to Shakespeare Exploring genre, features of a play, character and Shakespeare’s choices.  

Persuasive letter writing Analysing and then creating writing to persuade and influence an audience.
Poetry: The world around us Exploring poetic features, the meanings and effects they create and writer’s choices; creation of own poetry.

Transactional reading and writing: ‘Writing is fighting’ Analysing a range of argumentative writing for their methods and effects.
Year 8Poetry: Social Justice Exploring poetic features, the meanings and effects they create, writer’s choices and contextual/societal influence; creation of own poetry.

Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet The study of a whole play by Shakespeare- analysing structure, language, characterisation, context and Shakespeare’s intent.
Dystopia and rebellion Analysing a range of dystopian literature, exploring features of the genre and comparing choices and characterisation across texts.

Media Analysing and creating a range of both print and digital media to both engage and influence your audience.
Novel: Noughts and Crosses Analysis of context, genre, character, wider themes and writer’s intent. Exploration will also include creative written pieces aiming to deepen understanding regarding character, context and setting.
Year 9Novel: The Hate U Give Analysis of context, genre, character, wider themes and writer’s intent. Exploration will also include creative written pieces aiming to deepen understanding regarding character, context and setting.    What makes us human? Analysing a range of comment/argumentative writing for their methods and effects; creating effective comment writing.

Poetry: Conflict Exploring poetic features, the meanings and effects they create, writer’s choices and contextual/societal influence; creation of own poetry.
Play: Blood Brothers The study of a modern play- analysing structure, language, characterisation, context and Russell’s intent.

Transactional reading, writing and marketing Analysing and then creating a range of visual and written material to persuade and influence an audience.
Year 10GCSE exam board = AQA Lit 2: (Modern text): An Inspector Calls The study of a modern play- analysing structure, language, characterisation, wider themes, context and Priestley’s intent.

Language skills- Papers 1 and 2 Evaluating and analysing a range of descriptive/ narrative/comment/argumentative writing for their methods and effects; creating effective narrative/ descriptive/comment writing.  
Lit 2 (Poetry): Power and Conflict Exploring poetic features, the meanings and effects they create, writer’s choices and contextual/societal influence.  

Lit 2: Unseen Poetry Exploring poetic features, the meanings and effects they create and writer’s choices.
Language skills revisited- Papers 1 and 2 Evaluating and analysing a range of descriptive/ narrative/comment/argumentative writing for their methods and effects; creating effective narrative/ descriptive/comment writing.

Lit 1: (19th C. novel) Jekyll and Hyde Analysis of language, structure, character, setting, wider themes, the Gothic genre and Victorian context.
Year 11Lit 1: (Shakespeare) Macbeth The study of a whole play by Shakespeare- analysing structure, language, characterisation, context and Shakespeare’s intent.

Language skills revisited- Papers 1 and 2 Evaluating and analysing a range of descriptive/ narrative/comment/argumentative writing for their methods and effects; creating effective narrative/ descriptive/comment writing.
Revision – exam skills for all four papersRevision- exam skills for all four papers

GCSE English course information