
Year 7     
Year 8     
Year 9     
Year 10Theme A:
The changing UK population
Migration and its impact
Respect and understanding
Rights, duties and values that underpin democracy
Development of human rights
Citizens and local government
Paying for local services
Theme B:
Parties and candidates
Elections and voting systems
Forming an organising the work of the government
The Westminster Parliament
Making and shaping law
The Constitution
Government in constituent parts of the UK
Taxation and government spending
Theme C:
The role of law in everyday life in dealing with complex problems
Principles and sources of law
Civil and criminal law
The justice system in England and Wales
Courts and tribunals
Youth justice
Crime & society
Sentences and punishment
Year 11Theme D:
Citizenship participation in politics and society
The role of groups and organisations in democratic society
The role of the media and a free press
Rights and responsibilities of the media
The use of media for influence
The UK’s role and relations with Europe
The UK’s role in the rest of the world
Rights and responsibilities in challenging global situations  
Theme E:
Organise and deliver an event, meeting or campaign to advocate for the selected issue, problem, cause or social need and that aims to argue the case, raising awareness and commitment by informing, influencing and persuading the target audience.

Organise and deliver a social action project, social enterprise or undertake another form of community action that aims to raise awareness and commitment and create a social benefit (resources, support, advice or service) to benefit others.



RE, Citizenship & PSHE